第88章 来自天堂的一片叶子 A Leaf from Heaven(1/2)
《来自天堂的一片叶子》,1855 年
A Leaf fro heaven, 1855
high up the clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flower pcked fro the garden of heaven.
As he was kissg the flower a very little leaf fell fro it and sunk down to the soft earth the iddle of a wood.
It idiately took root, sprouted, a out shoots aong the other pnts.
“多么可笑的一根新枝啊!” 有一株植物说。
“what a ridiculo little shoot!” said one.
“No one will reize it; not evehistle nor the stgile.”
“它肯定是某种园子里的植物。” 另一株植物说;于是它们都嘲笑并鄙视这株植物,把它当作是来自园子的东西。
“It t be a kd of garden pnt,” said another; and so they sneered and despised the pnt as a thg fro a garden.
“你从哪儿来的?” 那些叶子上都长满刺的高大蓟草问道。
“where are you g?” said the tall thistles whose leaves were all ard with thorns.
“It is stupid nonseo allow yourself to shoot out this way; we are not here to support you.”
ter ca, and the pnt was vered with snow, but the snow glittered over it as if it had sunshih as well as above.
when sprg ca, the pnt appeared full bloo: a ore beautiful object than any other pnt the forest.
And now the professor of botany presented hiself, one who uld exp his knowledge bd white.
he exaed aed the pnt, but it does not belong to his syste of botany, nor uld he possibly fd out to what css it did belong.
“它肯定是某种退化的物种。” 他说;“我不认识它,而且在任何体系里都没提到过它。”
“It t be so degee species,” said he; “I do not know it, and it is not known any syste.”
“在任何体系里都没提到过!” 蓟草和荨麻重复道。
“Not known any syste!” repeated the thistles and the les.
the rge trees which grew round it saw the pnt and heard the rearks, but they said not a word either good or bad, which is the wisest pn for those whnorant.
there passed through the forest a pirl; her heart ure, and her uandg creased by her faith.
her chief iance had been an old bible, which she read and vaed.
Fro its pages she heard the voice of God speakg to her, and tellio reber what was said of Joseph’s brethren when persons wished to jure her.
“they iaged evil their hearts, but God tur to good.”
If we suffer wrongfully, if we are isuood or despised, we t thk of hi who ure and holy, and who prayed for those who nailed hi to the cross, “Father five the, for they know not what they do.”
the girl stood still before the wonderful pnt, for the green leaves exhaled a sweet and refreshg fragrance, and the fllittered and sparkled the sunshe like lored fs, and the harony of sweet sounds lgered round the as if each cealed with itself a deep fount of lody, which thoands of years uld .
with pio gratitude the girl looked upon this glorio work of God, a down over one of the brahat she ight exaihe flower and ihe sweet perfu.
then a light broke on her d, and her heart expanded.
Gdly would she have pcked a flower, but she uld not overe her rece to break one off.