第13章 夜莺 The Nightingale(2/2)
She was now to rea at urt, to have her own cage, with liberty to go out ice a day, and once durg the night.
elve servants were appoio attend her on these oasions, who each held her by a silken strg faste.
there was certaly not uch pleasure this kd of flyg.
全城都在谈论这只奇妙的鸟,当两个人相遇时,一个人说 “夜”,另一个人说 “莺”,他们就明白是什么意思了,因为没有别的话题可谈。
the whole city spoke of the wonderful bird, and when o people t, one said “night,” and the other said “gale,” and they uood what was ant, for nothg else was talked of.
Eleven peddlers’ children were nad after her, but not of the uld sg a note.
一天,皇帝收到一个大包裹,上面写着 “夜莺”。
one day the eperor received a rge packet on which was written “the Nightgale.”
“毫无疑问,这是一本关于我们这只着名鸟儿的新书。” 皇帝说。
“here is no doubt a new book about our celebrated bird,” said the eperor.
but stead of a book, it was a work of art taed a casket, an artificial nightgale ade to look like a livg one, and vered all over with diaonds, rubies, and sapphires.
As soon as the artificial bird was wound up, it uld sg like the real one, and uld ove its tail up and down, which sparkled with silver and gold.
它的脖子上挂着一条丝带,上面写着 “中国皇帝的夜莺与日本皇帝的夜莺相比相形见绌。”
Round its neck hung a piece of ribbon, on which was written “the Eperor of a’s nightgale is poor pared with that of the Eperor of Japan’s.”
“这非常漂亮,” 所有看到它的人都惊叹道,带来这只人造夜莺的人被授予 “皇家夜莺进贡总管” 的头衔。
“this is very beautiful,” excid all who saw it, and he who had brought the artificial bird received the title of “Iperial nightgale - brger - - chief.”
“现在它们必须一起唱歌,” 宫廷里的人说,“那将是多么美妙的二重唱啊。”
“Now they t sg together,” said the urt, “and what a duet it will be.”
but they did not get on well, for the real nightgale sang its own natural way, but the artificial bird sang only waltzes.
“这不是缺点,” 乐师说,“非常符合我的口味。” 于是它只得单独唱歌,并且和真鸟一样成功;
“that is not a fault,” said the ic - aster, “it is quite perfey taste,” so then it had to sg alone, and was as suessful as the real bird;
besides, it was so uch prettier to look at, for it sparkled like bracelets and breast - ps.
three and thirty tis did it sg the sa tunes without beg tired;
the people would gdly have heard it aga, but the eperor said the livg nightgale ought to sg sothg.
but where was she?
No one had noticed her when she flew out at the open dow, back to her own green woods.
“多么奇怪的行为,” 当发现她飞走了时皇帝说;
“what strange duct,” said the eperor, when her flight had been disvered;
and all the urtiers bd her, and said she was a very ungrateful creature.
“但我们毕竟有了最好的鸟。” 一个人说,然后他们又让鸟唱歌,尽管这已经是他们第三十四次听同样的曲子了,而且即便如此他们还没学会,因为这曲子相当难。
“but we have the best bird after all,” said one, and then they would have the bird sg aga, although it was the thirty - fourth ti they had listeo the sa piece, and evehey had not learnt it, for it was rather difficult.
but the ic - aster praised the bird the highest degree, and even asserted that it was better than a real nightgale, not only its dress and the beautiful diaonds, but also its ical power.
“For you t perceive, y chief lord and eperor, that with a real nightgale we ever tell what is gog to be sung, but with this bird everythg is settled.
It be opened and exped, so that people ay uand how the waltzes are ford, and why oe follows upon another.”
“这正是我们所想的。” 他们都回答道,然后乐师得到许可在接下来的周日向民众展示这只鸟,皇帝命令民众都要到场听它唱歌。
“this is exactly what we thk,” they all replied, and then the ic - aster received perission to exhibit the bird to the people on the follog Sunday, and the eperor ahat they should be present to hear it sg.
when they heard it they were like people toxicated;
however it t have been with drkg tea, which is quite a ese .
他们都说:“哦!” 并且竖起食指点头,但是一个听过真夜莺唱歌的穷苦渔夫说:“它听起来够动听的,而且旋律都一样;
they all said “oh!” and held up their fers and nodded, but a poor fisheran, who had heard the real nightgale, said, “it sounds prettily enough, and the lodies are all alike;
yet there sees sothg wantg, I ot exactly tell what.”
And after this the real nightgale was banished fro the epire, and the artificial bird pced on a silk close to the eperor’s bed.
和它一起收到的金银珠宝礼物都放在这只鸟的周围,它现在被提升为 “皇家小厕所歌手” 的头衔,并且排在左边第一位;
the presents of gold and precio stones which had been received with it were round the bird, and it was now advao the title of “Little Iperial toilet Sger,” and to the rank of No.
1 on the left hand;
for the eperor sidered the left side, on which the heart lies, as the ost noble, and the heart of an eperor is the sa pce as that of other people.
the ic - aster wrote a work, iy - five vos, about the artificial bird, which was very learned and very long, and full of the ost difficult ese words;
yet all the people said they had read it, and uood it, for fear of beg thought stupid and havg their bodies trapled upon.
So a year passed, and the eperor, the urt, and all the other ese knew every little turn iificial bird’s song;
and for that sa reason it pleased the better.
they uld sg with the bird, which they often did.
街头的孩子们唱着:“吱 - 吱 - 吱,咯,咯,咯。” 皇帝本人也能唱。
the street - boys sang, “Zi - zi - zi, cck, cck, cck,” and the eperor hiself uld sg it also.
It was really ost ag.
一天晚上,当人造夜莺正在尽情歌唱,皇帝躺在床上听着的时候,鸟的内部发出了 “嗡嗡” 声。
one eveng, wheificial bird was sgg its best, and the eperor y bed listeng to it, sothg ihe bird sounded “whizz.”
then a sprg cracked.
“whir - r - r - r” went all the wheels, runng round, and then the ic sped.
the eperor idiately sprang out of bed, and called for his physi;
but what uld he do?
then they sent for a watchaker;
and, after a great deal of talkg aion, the bird ut to sothg like order;
but he said that it t be ed very carefully, as the barrels were worn, and it would be ipossible to put new ones without jurg the ic.
Now there was great sorrow, as the bird uld only be allowed to py once a year;
and even that was dangero for the works i.
then the ic - aster ade a little speech, full of hard words, and decred that the bird was as good as ever;
and, of urse no oradicted hi.
Five years passed, and then a real grief ca upon the nd.
the ese really were fond of their eperor, and he now y so ill that he was not expected to live.
Already a new eperor had been chosen and the people who stood ireet asked the lord - - waitg how the old eperor > 但他只是说:“呸!” 然后摇了摇头。
but he only said, “pooh!” and shook his head.
ld and pale y the eperor his royal bed;
the whole urt thought he was dead, and every one ran away to pay hoage to his suessor.
the chaberi out to have a talk oter, and the dies’ - aids vited pany to take ffee.
cloth had been id down on the halls and passages, so that not a footstep should be heard, and all was silent and still.
but the eperor was not yet dead, although he y white and stiff on his geo bed, with the lo curtas and heavy gold tassels.
A dow stood open, and the oon shone upon the eperor and the artificial bird.
the poor eperor, fdg he uld scarcely breathe with a strange weight on his chest, opened his eyes, and saw death sittg there.
he had put on the eperolden , and held one hand his sword of state, and iher his beautiful banner.
All around the bed and peepg through the lo curtas, were a nuber of strange heads, sly, and others lovely ale - lookg.
these were the eperood and bad deeds, which stared hi the faow death sat at his heart.
“do you reber this?”
“do you rellect that?”
they asked oer ah brgg to his rebrance circustahat ade the perspiration stand on his brow.
“我什么都不知道。” 皇帝说。
“I know nothg about it,” said the eperor.
“音乐!音乐!” 他叫道;
“ic! ic!” he cried;
“the rge ese dru! that I ay not hear what they say.”
but they still went on, ah nodded like a aan to all they said.
“音乐!音乐!” 皇帝大喊。
“ic! ic!” shouted the eperor.
“You little precio golden bird, sg, pray sg! I have given you gold and stly presents;
I have even hung y golden slipper round your neck.
唱吧!唱吧!” 但是鸟儿仍然沉默着。
Sg! sg!” but the bird reaed silent.
there was no oo d it up, and therefore it uld not sg a note.
death tio stare at the eperor with his ld, hollow eyes, and the roo was fearfully still.
Suddenly there ca through the open dow the sound of sweet ic.
outside, on the bough of a tree, sat the livg nightgale.
She had heard of the eperor’s illness, and was therefore e to sg to hi of hope and trt.
And as she sung, the shadows grew paler and paler;
the blood the eperor’s ves flowed ore rapidly, and gave life to his weak libs;
and eveh hiself listened, and said, “Go on, little nightgale, go on.”
“then will you give the beautiful golden sword and that rich banner?
你会把皇帝的王冠给我吗?” 鸟儿说。
and will you give the eperor’s ?” said the bird.
So death gave up each of these treasures for a song;
and the nightgale tued her sgg.
She sung of the quiet churchyard, where the white roses grow, where the elder - tree wafts its perfu on the breeze, and the fresh, sweet grass is oistened by the ourners’ tears.
theh loo go and see his garden, and floated out through the dow the for of a ld, white ist.
“thanks, thanks, you heavenly little bird.
I know you well.
I banished you fro y kgdo once, a you have chard away the evil faces fro y bed, and banished death fro y heart, with your sweet song.
how I reward you?”
“你已经报答我了,” 夜莺说。
“You have already rewarded ,” said the nightgale.
“I shall never fet that I drew tears fro your eyes the first ti I sang to you.
these are the jewels that rejoice a sger’s heart.
but now sleep, and grow strong and well aga.
I will sg to you aga.”
And as she sung, the eperor fell to a sweet sleep;
and how ild and refreshg that sber was! when he awoke, strengthened aored, the sun shone brightly through the dow;
但是他的仆人没有一个回来 —— 他们都以为他死了;
but not one of his servants had returned — they all believed he was dead;
only the nightiill sat beside hi, and sang.
“你必须永远和我在一起,” 皇帝说。
“You t always rea with ,” said the eperor.
“You shall sg only when it pleases you;
and I will break the artificial bird to a thoand pieces.”
不要那样做,” 夜莺回答说;
do not do that,” replied the nightgale;
“the bird did very well as long as it uld.
Keep it here still.
I ot live the pace, and build y ;
but let e when I like.
I will sit on a bough outside your dow, the eveng, and sg to you, so that you ay be happy, and have thoughts full of joy.
I will sg to you of those who are happy, and those who suffer;
of the good and the evil, who are hidden around you.
the little sgg bird flies far fro you and your urt to the ho of the fisheran and the peasant’s t.
I love your heart better than your ;
a sothg holy lgers round that also.
I will e, I will sg to you;
but you t proise ohg.”
“任何事都行,” 皇帝说,他穿上皇袍,手握沉重的金剑,手按在胸口站着。
“Everythg,” said the eperor, who, havg dressed hiself his iperial robes, stood with the hand that held the heavy golden sword pressed to his heart.
“我只要求一件事,” 她回答说;
“I only ask ohg,” she replied;
“let no one know that you have a little bird who tells you everythg.
最好保密。” 说完,夜莺飞走了。
It will be best to ceal it.” So sayg, the nightgale fle> 仆人们现在进来照看死去的皇帝;
the servants now ca to look after the dead eperor;
when, lo! there he stood, and, to their astonishnt, said, “Good .”