首页 > 女生小说 > 一句一译的安徒生童话 > 第10章 白雪皇后的七个故事 续2

第10章 白雪皇后的七个故事 续2(2/2)


and she kissed his eyes, and they shone like her own;


she kissed his hands and his feet, and then he beca quite healthy and cheerful.


the Snow queen ight e ho now when she pleased, for there stood his certaty of freedo, the word she wanted, written shiers of ice.


theook each other by the hand, a forth fro the great pace of ice.


they spoke of the grandother, and of the roses on the roof, and as they went on the ds were at rest, and the sun burst forth.


when they arrived at the bh with red berries, there stood the redeer waitg for the, and he had brought another young redeer with hi, whose udders were full, and the children drank her war ilk and kissed her oh.


then they carried Kay and Gerda first to the Fnd woan, where they ward theselves thhly i roo, and she gave the dires about their journey ho.


hey went to the Lapnd woan, who had ade so new clothes for the, and put their sleighs order.


both the redeer ran by their side, and followed the as far as the boundaries of the try, where the first green leaves were buddg.

在这里他们向两头驯鹿和拉普兰女人告别,大家都说 —— 再见。

Ahey took leave of the o redeer and the Lapnd woan, and all said — Farewell.


then the birds began to itter, and the forest too was full of green young leaves;


and out of it ca a beautiful horse, which Gerda rebered, for it was one which had drawn the golden ach.


A young girl was ridg upon it, with a shg red cap on her head, and pistols her belt.


It was the little robber - aiden, who had got tired of stayg at ho;


she was gog first to the north, and if that did not suit her, she ant to try so other part of the world.


She knew Gerda directly, and Gerda rebered her:


it was a joyful etg.

“你这样到处闲逛可真是个不错的家伙,” 她对小凯说,“我倒想知道你是否值得有人到世界尽头去找你。”

“You are a fe fellow to go gaddg about this way,” said she to little Kay, “I should like to know whether you deserve that any one should go to the end of the world to fd you.”


but Gerda patted her cheeks, and asked after the prd prcess.

“他们到国外去了,” 强盗女孩说。

“they are gon tries,” said the rirl.


“And the crow?”


asked Gerda.

“哦,乌鸦死了,” 她回答说;

“oh, the crow is dead,” she replied;


“his ta sweetheart is no, and wears a bit of bck worsted round her leg.


She ourns very pitifully, but it is all stuff.


but now tell how you ao get hi back.”


then Gerda and Kay told her all about it.

“咔嚓,咔嚓,陷阱!最终一切都很好,” 强盗女孩说。

“Snip, snap, s’s all right at st,” said the rirl.


theook both their hands, and proised that if ever she should pass through the town, she would call and pay the a visit.


And then she rode away to the wide world.


but Gerda and Kay went hand - - hand towards ho;


and as they advanced, sprg appeared ore lovely with its green verdure and its beautiful flowers.


Very soon they reized the rge towhey lived, and the tall steeples of the churches, which the sweet bells were rgg a rry peal as they e, and found their way to their grandother’s door.


they went upstairs to the little roo, where all looked jt as it ed to do.


the old clock was gog “tick, tick,” and the hands poio the ti of day, but as they passed through the door to the roo they perceived that they were both grown up, and bee a an and > 屋顶上的玫瑰盛开着,从窗户往里窥探;

the roses out on the roof were full bloo, and peeped at the dow;


and there stood the little chairs, on which they had sat when children;


and Kay and Gerda seated theselves ea their own chair, and held each other by the hand, while the ld epty grandeur of the Snow queen’s pace vanished fro their ories like a paful drea.


the grandother sat God’s bright sunshe, and she read aloud fro the bible, “Except ye bee as little children, ye shall no wise eo the kgdo of God.”


And Kay and Gerda looked to each other’s eyes, and all at oood the words of the old song,


“Roses bloo and cease to be,


but we shall the christ - child see.”


And they both sat there, grown up, yet children at heart;

此时是夏天 —— 温暖、美丽的夏天。

and it was sur, — war, beautiful sur.
