第10章 白雪皇后的七个故事 续2(1/2)
oF thE pALAcE oF thE SNow qUEEN ANd whAt hAppEhERE At LASt
the walls of the pace were ford of drifted snow, and the dows and doors of the cuttg ds.
there were ore than a hundred roos it, all as if they had been ford with snow blown together.
the rgest of the extended for several iles;
they were all lighted up by the vivid light of the aurora, and they were se ay, so icy ld and glitterg! there were s here, not even a little bear’s ball, wheht have been the id the bears uld have danced on their hd legs, and shown their good anners.
there were no pleasant gas of snap - dragon, or touch, or even a gossip over the tea - table, for the young - dy foxes.
Epty, vast, and ld were the halls of the Snow queen.
the flickerg f of the northern lights uld be ply seen, whether they rose high or low the heavens, fro every part of the castle.
In the idst of its epty, endless hall of snow was a frozen ke, broken on its surfato a thoand fors;
each piece resebled another, fro beg itself perfect as a work of art, and the tre of this ke sat the Snow queen, when she was at ho.
她称这个湖为 “理智之镜”,并且说这是世界上最好的,实际上也是唯一的镜子。
She called the ke “the irror of Reason,” and said that it was the best, and ihe only ohe world.
Little Kay was quite be with ld, deed alost bck, but he did not feel it;
for the Snow queen had kissed away the icy shivergs, and his heart was already a p of ice.
he dragged so sharp, ft pieces of ice to and fro, and pced the together all kds of positions, as if he wished to ake sothg out of the;
就像我们试图用被我们称为 “中国谜题” 的小木板拼出各种图形一样。
jt as we try to for vario figures with little tablets of wood which we call “a ese puzzle.”
Kay’s fgers were very artistic;
it was the icy ga of reason at which he pyed, and his eyes the figures were very rearkable, and of the highest iportance;
this opion was og to the piece of gss still stig his eye.
he posed any plete figures, f different words, but there was one word he never uld ao for, although he wished it very uch.
这个单词就是 “永恒”。
It was the word “Eternity.”
the Snow queen had said to hi, “when you fd out this, you shall be your own aster, and I will give you the whole world and a new pair of skates.”
but he uld not acplish it.
“现在我必须赶快到更暖和的国家去,” 白雪皇后说。
“Now I t hasten away to warr tries,” said the Snow queen.
“我要去看看那些燃烧着的山山顶上的黑色火山口,就是人们所说的埃特纳火山和维苏威火山 —— 我要让它们变白,这对它们有好处,对柠檬和葡萄也有好处。”
“I will go and look to the bck craters of the s of the burng ountaa and Vesuvi, as they are called, — I shall ake the look white, which will be good for the, and for the leons and the grapes.”
And away flew the Snow queen, leavg little Kay quite alohe great hall which was so any iles ih;
so he sat and looked at his pieces of ice, and was thkg so deeply, and sat so still, that any one ight have supposed he was frozen.
Jt at this ont it happehat little Gerda ca through the great door of the castle.
cuttg ds were ragg around her, but she offered up a prayer and the ds sank down as if they were gog to sleep;
and she went on till she ca to the rge epty hall, and caught sight of Kay;
she knew hi directly;
she flew to hi and threw her ars round his neck, and held hi fast, while she excid, “Kay, dear little Kay, I have found you at st.”
but he sat quite still, stiff and ld.
then little Gerda wept hot tears, which fell on his breast, arated to his heart, and thawed the p of ice, and washed away the little piece of gss which had stuck there.
然后他看着她,她唱道 ——
then he looked at her, and she sang —
“Roses bloo and cease to be,
but we shall the christ - child see.”
then Kay burst to tears, and he wept so that the splter of gss swa out of his eye.
then he reized Gerda, and said, joyfully, “Gerda, dear little Gerda, where have you been all this ti, and where have I been?”
他向四周看了看,说:“好冷啊,这里看起来又大又空。” 他紧紧地抱住格尔达,她高兴得又笑又哭。
And he looked all around hi, and said, “how ld it is, and he ay it all looks,” ao Gerda, and she ughed a for joy.
It was so pleasg to see the that the pieces of ice even danced about;
and when they were tired ao lie down, they ford theselves to the letters of the word which the Snow queen had said he t fd out before he uld be his own aster, and have the whole world and a pair of new skates.
then Gerda kissed his cheeks, and they beca bloog;