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第78章 对此毋庸置疑 There Is No Doubt About It(1/2)


《对此毋庸置疑》,1852 年

there Is No doubt About It., 1852

“那件事太可怕了!” 一只母鸡说道,而且这事还是发生在城镇的另一个区域呢,根本就没发生在它这儿。

“that was a terrible affair!” said a hen, and a quarter of the town, too, where it had not taken pce.

“鸡窝里发生了一件可怕的事。我今晚可不敢一个人睡了。好在我们很多鸡都一起蹲在鸡窝横杆上呢。” 然后它讲了一个故事,吓得其他母鸡的羽毛都竖了起来,公鸡的鸡冠也耷拉了下来。这是千真万确的。

“that was a terrible affair a hen-roost. I ot sleep aloo-night. It is a good thg that any of sit on the roost together.” And theold a story that ade the feathers oher hens bristle up, and the ck’s b fall. there was no doubt about it.


but we will beg at the begng, and that is to be found a hen-roost another part of the town. the sun was settg, and the fowls were flyg on to their roost; one hen, with white feathers and short legs, ed to y her eggs a to the regutions, and was, as a hen, respectable every way. As she was flyg upon the roost, she pcked herself with her beak, and a little feather ca out.

“它掉下来了,” 它说,“我啄得越多,就变得越漂亮。” 它说得很开心,因为它是这群母鸡里最好的一只,而且,如前面所说,非常体面。说完它就睡觉去了。

“there it goes,” she said; “the ore I pck, the ore beautiful do I get.” She said this rrily, for she was the best of the hens, and, oreover, as had been said, very respectable. with that she went to sleep.


It was dark all around, and hen sat close to hen, but the one who sat o her rry neighbour did not sleep. She had heard a not heard, as we are often obliged to do this world, order to live at peace; but she uld not keep it fro her neighbour oher side any longer.


“did you hear what was said? I ntion no nas, but there is a hen here who tends to pck herself order to look well. If I were a ck, I should despise her.”


Jt over the fowls sat the owl, with father owl and the little owls. the faily has sharp ears, and they all heard every word that their neighbour had said. they rolled their eyes, and other owl, beatg her gs, said: “don’t listen to her! but I suppose you heard what was said? I heard it with y own ears, and one has to hear a great deal before they fall off. there is one aong the fowls who has so far fotten what is beg to a hen that she pcks out all her feathers ahe ck see it.”

“孩子们可别听这些!” 猫头鹰爸爸说;“小孩子可不该听这种事。”

“prenez garde aux enfants!” said father owl; “children should not hear such thgs.”

“可我得把这事告诉我们的邻居猫头鹰;和她聊天可有意思了。” 说完她就飞走了。

“but I t tell our neighbour owl about it; she is su estiable owl to talk to.” And with that she fle> “嘟呜!嘟呜!” 她们俩对着邻居家的鸽舍里的鸽子叫着。“你们听说了吗?你们听说了吗?嘟呜!有一只母鸡为了公鸡把自己所有的羽毛都拔光了;要是她还没被冻死的话,也会被冻死的。嘟呜!”

