首页 > 女生小说 > 一句一译的安徒生童话 > 第56章 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人 The Shepherdess and the Sweep

第56章 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人 The Shepherdess and the Sweep(2/2)


“I ot bear it,” said she, “I t get out of the drawer;” but when they reached the floor, and cast their eyes oable, there was the old aan awake and shakg his whole body, till all at once down he the floor, “pp.”

“老中国人偶来了,” 小牧羊女惊恐地喊道,随即单膝跪了下来。

“the old aan is g,” cried the shepherdess a fright, and down she fell on one knee.

“我想到个办法,” 扫烟囱的人说,“咱们躲到角落里那个大百花香罐子里去吧;在那儿我们可以躺在玫瑰花瓣和薰衣草上,如果他靠近我们,就往他眼睛里撒盐。”

“I have thought of sothg,” said the ey-sweep; “let get to the great pot-pourri jar which stands the er; there we lie on rose-leaves and vender, and throw salt his eyes if he es near .”

“不,那可不行,” 她说,“因为我知道老中国人偶和百花香罐子曾经是恋人,曾经那么亲密的人之间总会残留着一份好感的。不,我们除了到外面的广阔世界去,已经没有别的办法了。”

“No, that will never do,” said she, “becae I know that the aan and the pot-pourri jar were lovers once, and there always reas behd a feelg of good-will beeen those who have been so tiate as that. No, there is nothi for but to go out to the wide world.”


“have you really ough to go out to the wide world with ?” said the ey-sweep; “have you thought he it is, and that we ever e back here aga?”

“是的,我想过了。” 她回答道。

“Yes, I have,” she replied.


when the ey-sweep saw that she was quite fir, he said, “y way is through the stove and up the ey. have you ce to creep with through the fire-box, and the iron pipe? whe to the ey I shall know how to anage very well.


we shall soon clib too high for any oo reach , and we shall e through a hole iop out to the wide world.”


So he led her to the door of the stove.

“里面看起来好黑呀,” 她说;但她还是和他一起穿过了炉灶,又穿过了管道,那里黑得像沥青一样。

“It looks very dark,” said she; still she went with hi through the stove and through the pipe, where it was as dark as pitch.

“现在我们在烟囱里了,” 他说;“看,上面有一颗美丽的星星在闪耀呢。”

“Now we are the ey,” said he; “and look, there is a beautiful star shg above it.”


It was a real star shg down upon the as if it would show the the > 于是他们攀爬着,艰难地前行着,那地方陡峭得吓人;不过扫烟囱的人帮助她,搀扶着她,直到他们越爬越高。

So they cbered, and crept on, and a frightful steep pce it was; but the ey-sweep helped her and supported her, till they got higher and higher.


he showed her the best pces on which to set her little a foot, so at st they reached the of the ey, and sat theselves down, for they were very very tired, as ay be supposed.


the sky, with all its stars, was over their heads, and below were the roofs of the town.


they uld see for a very long dista to the wide world, and the poor little shepherdess leaned her head on her ey-sweep’s shoulder, aill she washed the gilt off her sash; the world was so different to what she expected.

“这太过分了,” 她说;“我受不了了,这个世界太大了。哦,我真希望我能安全地回到镜子在我已经跟着你来到了广阔的世界,如果你爱我,就把我带回去吧。”

“this is too uch,” she said; “I ot bear it, the world is toe. oh, I wish I were safe ba the table aga, uhe lookg gss; I shall never be happy till I a safe back aga. Now I have followed you out to the wide world, you will take back, if you love .”

于是扫烟囱的人试着劝她,说起了老中国人偶,还有 “山羊腿少将中士指挥官”;但她哭得那么伤心,不停地亲吻她的小扫烟囱的人,直到他不得不按她的要求去做,尽管这要求很傻。

then the ey-sweep tried to reason with her, and spoke of the old aan, and of the ajeneral-field-sergeant-ander billy-goat’s legs; but she sobbed so bitterly, and kissed her little ey-sweep till he was obliged to do all she asked, foolish as it > 就这样,费了好大的劲儿,他们从烟囱上爬了下来,然后又爬过管道和炉灶,那些地方可实在不怎么舒服。

And so, with a great deal of trouble, they clibed down the ey, and thehrough the pipe and stove, which were certaly not very pleasant pces.


theood the dark fire-box, and listened behd the door, to hear what was gog on the roo.


As it was all quiet, they peeped out.


As! there y the old aan on the floor; he had fallen down fro the table as he attepted to run after the, and was broken to three pieces; his back had separated entirely, and his head had rolled to a er of the roo.


the ajeneral stood his old pce, and appeared lost thought.

“这太可怕了,” 小牧羊女说。

“this is terrible,” said the little shepherdess.

“我可怜的老祖父摔成了碎片,这都是我们的错。我以后可怎么活呀;” 她绞着自己的小手。

“y poor old grandfather is broken to pieces, and it is our fault. I shall never live after this;” and she wrung her little hands.

“他可以用铆钉接上,” 扫烟囱的人说,“他可以用铆钉接上。别这么着急。如果他们用水泥把他的后背粘上,再打上一个结实的铆钉,他就会完好如初,还能像以前一样对我们说那么多难听的话呢。”

“he be riveted,” said the ey-sweep; “he be riveted. do not be so hasty. If they t his back, and put a good rivet it, he will be as good as new, and be able to say as any disagreeable thgs to as ever.”

“你真的这么想吗?” 她说;然后他们爬上桌子,站在了原来的位置上。

“do you thk so?” said she; and then they clibed up to the table, and stood their old pces.

“既然我们没做成什么好事,” 扫烟囱的人说,“我们还不如就待在这儿呢,也不用费这么大的劲儿了。”

“As we have done no good,” said the ey-sweep, “we ight as well have reaed here, stead of takg so uch trouble.”

“我希望祖父能被接上,” 牧羊女说。“不知道这得花多少钱呢?”

“I wish grandfather was riveted,” said the shepherdess. “will it uch, I wonder?”


And she had her wish. the faily had the aan’s baded, and a strong rivet put through his neck; he looked as good as new, but he uld no longer nod his head.

“自从你摔成碎片后,你就变得骄傲了,”“山羊腿少将中士指挥官” 说。“你没理由摆出这副架子。我到底能不能娶到她呀?”

“You have bee proud sce your fall broke you to pieces,” said ajeneral-field-sergeant-ander billy-goat’s-legs. “You have no reason to give yourself such airs. A I to have her or not?”


the ey-sweep and the little shepherdess looked piteoly at the old aan, for they were afraid he ight nod; but he was not able: besides, it was so tireso to be always tellg strangers he had a ridg the back of his neck.


And so the little a people reaiogether, and were gd of the grandfather’s rivet, and tio love each other till they were broken to pieces.
