第29章 小意达的花儿 Little Ida’s Flowers(2/2)
Nay! what a charg sight she beheld!
there was not any night p that roo, a was quite light; the oon shh the dow to the iddle of the floor, and it was alost as light as day.
All the hyaths and tulips stood o long rows along the floor; they were not any lohe dow, where stood the epty pots.
All the flowers were dang so beautifully, one round another, on the floor; they ade a regur , and took hold of one anreen leaves when they swung round.
但是钢琴边坐着一朵大大的黄色百合花,小意达在夏天肯定见过它,因为她清楚地记得学生曾说过:“哎呀,它多像莉娜小姐啊!” 他们都为此笑话过他。
but there sat at the piano a great yellow lily, which little Ida had certaly seen the sur, for she rebered very well that the student had said, “Nay, how like iss La it is!” and they had all ughed at hi.
but now it seed really to Ida as if the tall yellow lily resebled the young dy, and that she, also, really did jt as if she were pyg; now she id her long yellow fa one side, now oher, ai to the charg ic.
Not one of the observed little Ida.
She now saw a rge be croc sprg upon the iddle of the table where the pythgs y, ght to the doll’s bed, and draw aside the curtas, where y the sick flowers; but they raised theselves up idiately, and nodded oo another, as uch as to say, that they also would go with the and dance.
the old snapdragon, whose under lip was broken off, stood up and bowed to the pretty flowers, which did not look poorly at all, and they hopped down aong the others, and were very rry.
All at o seed as if sothg had fallen down fro the table.
Ida looked towards it; it was the Easter-wand, which had heard the flowers.
It was also very pretty; upoop of it was set a little wax-doll, which had jt such a broad hat upon its head as that which the cellor wore.
the Easter-wand hopped about upon its three wooden legs, and staped quite loud, for it dahe azurka; and there was not one of the flowers which uld dahat dance, becae they were so light and uld not stap.
复活节魔杖上的蜡娃娃似乎变得又高又胖,在魔杖上的纸花上方旋转着,大声喊道:“这就是用来塞满孩子头脑的胡言乱语吗!这是愚蠢的幻想!”—— 这个蜡娃娃和那个脾气暴躁的老大臣一模一样,戴着宽边帽子,脸色和他一样蜡黄,脾气也一样坏;但是纸花敲打着他的细腿,于是他又缩了回去,变成了一个小小的蜡娃娃。
the wax-doll upon the Easter-wao bee taller and stouter, and whirled itself round above the paper flowers on the wand, and exellor with the broad hat, and looked jt as yellow and ill-tepered as he did; but the paper flowers knocked hi oh legs, and with that he shrunk together aga, and beca a little ty wax-doll.
It was charg to see it! little Ida uld hardly help ughg.
the Easter-wand tio dank hat.
then ca up the other flowers, especially those which had Sophie’s bed, and so the Easter-rod left off dang.
At that very ont a great noise was heard with the drawer where Ida’s doll, Sophie, y, with so any of her pythgs; and with this the snapdragon ran up to the er of the table, y down upon his stoach, and opehe drawer a little bit.
with this Sophie raised herself up, and looked round her astonishnt.
“这里有一场舞会!” 她说,“为什么没有人告诉我呢?”
“there is a ball here!” said she, “and why has not anybody told of it?”
“你愿意和我跳舞吗?” 金鱼草说。
“wilt thou dah ?” said the snapdragon.
“是的,你可真是个适合跳舞的好舞伴!” 她说着,背对着他。
“Yes, thou art a fe oo dah!” said she, and turned her back upon hi.
So she seated herself upon the drawer, and thought that to be sure so one of the flowers would e and engage her, but not one ca; so she ughed a little, he! he! he! but for all that not one ca.
the snapdragon danced alone, and that was not so very bad either!
由于现在似乎没有一朵花看到苏菲,她重重地从抽屉里摔到地板上 —— 这引起了一阵大骚动;所有的花立刻跑过来,围在她身边,问她是否受伤了;它们对她都非常友好,尤其是那些曾躺在她床上的花。
As now none of the flowers seed to see Sophie, she let herself drop heavily out of the drawer down upon the floor, — and that gave a great aru; all the flowers at once ca runng up and gathered around her, quirg if she had hurt herself; and they were all so exceedgly kd to her, especially those which had her bed.
but she had not hurt herself at all, and all Ida’s flowers thanked her for the beautiful bed, and they paid her so uch attention, and took her to the iddle of the floor, where the oon shone, and danced with her, while all the other flowers ade a circle around the.
Sophie was now very uch delighted; and she said they would be very wele to her bed, for that she had not the least obje to lie the drawer.
“but the flowers said, ‘thou shalt have as any thanks as if we ed it, but we ot live so long! to-orrow we shall be quite dead; but now tell little Ida,’ said they, ‘that she t bury down the garden, where the ary-bird lies, and so we shall grow up agai sur, and be uch prettier than ever!’”
“不,你们不会死的。” 苏菲说,花儿们亲吻了她。
“No, you shall not die,” said Sophie, and the flowers kissed her.
At that very ont the roo door opened, and a great crowd of beautiful flowers ca dang .
Ida uld not ceive where they ca fro; they t certaly have been all the flowers out of the kg’s castle.
First of all went o ost agnifit roses, and they had little gold s on; they were a kg and a queen; then ca the ost lovely gilliflowers and ations, and they bowed first on this side and then on that.
they had brought ic with the; great big poppies and pionies blew upon peapods till they were red the face.
the be-bells and the little white volvuses rung as if they were ical bells.
It was charg ic.
then there ca a any other flowers, and they danced all together; the be violets and the red daisies, the aneones and the lilies of the valley; and all the flowers kissed one another: it was delightful to see it!
At st they all bade one anood-night, and little Ida also went to her bed, where she dread about every thg that she had seen.
第二天早上,她一起床就尽快跑到她的小桌子那里,去看花儿们是否还在那里;她拉开小床的帘子 —— 是的,它们都躺在那里,但它们都完全枯萎了,比昨天枯萎得更厉害。
the , whe up, she went as quickly as she uld to her little table, to see whether the flowers were there still; she drew aside the curtas fro the little bed; — yes, there they all y together, but they were quite withered, uch ore thaerday.
Sophie y the drawer, where she had put her; she looked very sleepy.
“你还记得你要告诉我的事情吗?” 小意达说;但苏菲看起来很傻,一个字也没说。
“st thou reber what thou hast to tell ?” said little Ida; but Sophie looked quite stupid, and did not say one sgle word.
“你一点也不好。” 意达说,“然而它们都和你一起跳舞了。”
“thou art not at all good,” said Ida, “ahey all danced with thee.”
So she took a little paper box, on which were pated beautiful birds, and this she opened, and id it the dead flowers.
“这将是你们漂亮的棺材。” 她说,“等我的挪威表兄弟来了,他们会和我一起把你们埋在花园里,这样明年夏天你们就会再次长出来,比以前更可爱!”
“this shall be your pretty ff,” said she, “and when y Nian ihey shall go with and bury you, down the garden, that sur you ay grow up aga, and be lovelier than ever!”
the Nian iwo lively boys, who were called Jonas and Adolph; their father had givewo new cross-bows, and these they brought with the to show to Ida.
She told the about the poor flowers which were dead, and so they got leave to bury the.
the o boys went first, with their cross-bows on their shoulders; and little Ida ca after, with the dead flowers the pretty little box.
down the garden they dug a little grave.
Ida kissed the flowers, and then put the their box, down to the earth, and Jonas and Adolph stood with their cross-bows above the grave, for they had her ars nor on.