首页 > 玄幻魔法 > 空时领域 > 1-唐夜



Lu Qgtian's Tsg Yi began to fade slowly: "After 100,000 years of disappeara is still as violent as before! However, ohg, I want to exp to you, I have not deprived you of your dive power! "

Lu Qgtian looked at Tang night front of hi, as if the battle hundreds of years ago was yesterday!

One huhoand years ago, gold and silver were double-walled, and one huhoand years ter, Tsg Yi Lei Ji!

"S! S! " Don night dohis set! He knows that whoever is the aster of all gods has the power to deprive all gods.

"In addition to you, who else deprive of y dive power? You are the Lord of all worlds! There are so hands a this, I fd it? " Tang night doesn't believe Liu Qgtian front of hi, and now he 't hit or kill. He is so angry that he only sit on the ground depression.

Lu Qgtian looked at the gradually depressed Tang night, and his heart was also funny: This guy has experienced purgatory for 100,000 years. Why is this bra not as good as before?

"Tang Ye, I discsed with hi that when you return to the world, your dive power ay no longer be supported by the crystal of God doa, and ay have bee your own power!" Lu Qgtian also doesn't know whether it is true or not, but a to that one, when Tang night returo the world, it was the day when the upper deon began to fall!

"Hey, give less hypocritically here, deprive it, and give it back to ! Lu Qgtian, fuck you, give back y dive power! you ake up a lie ore presentable? I believe you? " Tang night's character is still the sa as that of the past, with a hot teper and a outh that won't five people! Sharp ontu akes great efforts!

Lu Qgtian s,iled awkwardly and looked at Tang Ye solenly. "Hey! If what I expected is not bad, you want to return to the space-ti eperor, the square box id with gold and silver beads ay be a breakthrough! "

Tang Ye directly raised his pal and poted at Lu Qgtian: "S, s! I said you this guy, how easily expected not bad, expected not bad? Don't I know? Want you to say? I' jt pg! Look at your ext! Start, I will try it yself! "

Tang night slowly picked up the square box id with gold and silver beads on the ground and carefully looked at it. "The sky, you also don't say, the structure of this thg is siir to y space-ti God aror! But how to e it? "

Tang night thought, aybe, this is the evotion of the space-ti God aror. After all, he spent 100,000 years ne yers of purgatory, and the space-ti God aror ehe burng of endless fire every day, and so ges were noral.

Tang night first put the square box on his ar, and there was no response.

On the forehead, also have no response.

But he always felt that this thg had a way to open hi! It is ipossible for one's own space-ti aror to bee what it is today for no reason.

The the box on his chest, which seed to be a noral feelg.

"Be sky, what do you thk?" Tang night raised his head, lookg at the volley Liu Qgtian, his hand is advertently put this box close to his abdon.

Suddenly, a su ca directly fro Tang night's abdon! Directly pull the square box id with gold and silver beads to his abdon!

Tang night sees to have received a very heavy blow, boxg pot is his abdon!

A strong, Tang night ohful spit out the blood of his outh.

"Tang night! Are you all right? " Lu Qgtian hurriedly shouted the jured Tang night.

As ck would have it, the bright red blood jt nded on the grey card on the ground.

This se was also seen by Lu Qgtian.

This gray card sees to beg to release its rich dive power. The square box is directly absorbed the abdon of Tang Night, and gradually bees an anic whole.

In the ont, these cards began to turn to gold and silver, with gold on the front and silver on the back. The card actually floats directly and falls to the square box of Tang night abdon.

But Tang night is like wearg a ask of pa, with rich expression, strugglg hard, tryg to escape the pa of this square box.
