首页 > 玄幻魔法 > 空时领域 > Chapter I

Chapter I(1/2)


Chapter I space-ti isotion

Today, I fally know what I have dohe years, but I still want to go back to that pot and the pce where I start aga.

I a Tang Ye. In ory of y d y his. I still see the senten y d: the day of isotiohe ti for you to e back!

As soon as I was born this pd that it is different fro the pce where I ed to live. Here is the earth, a be world. After 25 years this world, I 't wait for the arrival of space-ti isotion day every day. When ti a the sa ti, that is, when I cross space-ti, obvioly, People livi know this, but so **art people, ste, put forward the theory of retivity.

In fact, the prciple of space-ti isotion is siir to that of retivity. Retivity produce spatial disply when the speed exceeds the speed of light. In fact, space-ti isotion is to achieve a bahrough the talents of so people, so as to shuttle through ti and space.

Jt like those years, I ily passed the space-ti is that I ly live oh now. You ay not know how uiss your ho, becae you don't feel ue every day, but I' different. I've lived oh for 25 years, so I 't iagi y ho has bee, I' very hosit to go back. Today, the stoook fro the space-ti field suddenly lit up. That sekled y eyes aga: the day of space-ti isotioi for you to e back!

be an opportunity frohough I don't ko seo that ti pal world, I still hope to have a try.

Thirty years ago, I got this stoi. At that ti, there were at least 30 groups of f for this thg. Duan Qgqied her life, forced to the space-ti array. Therefore, y an to freeze here. This se seed to have happeerday, even though I was old now, I still 't fet that I want to go bat to see y ho. Although there has been no f i 25 years, sihat there is an opportunity fo back, how ot be excited? I t grasp it, I t go to fd this pce, I t see her aga, see her aga!


In this way, I fell to the ories of the past, refled thier a I still have he past 25 years, I have traveled all over the fao ountas and rivers called order to fd a way ho.

It be iagi I haven't had a good ti these years, but whehe Kunn Mountas, this huble stounately, his se. Otherwise, I don't know what to do.

The ihat this stone is ected with the Kunn Mountas, but I doly where it is.

I suddehe Lgbo snow step of y pra those years. There was heavy snow on the Kunn Mountaiered sunny days. However, the ld was still very d wi the of Kunn. I was quite relieved this aessible pce.

Although sotis I ay et the stific research tea, I avoided it as uch as possible. For unnecessary expnation, I still keep the viging careful first.

The Kunn Mountas are very long and high. If I hadle breath Qigong, I ight have been hit by the altitude reaentioned by ordihe ountas here are really high. Although the altitude is slightly lower than that of y world, it still 't be ued.

I secretly ade an oath: if I d space-ti isotion today, I wooorrow's sun!

Although it's easy for to live, I don't want to be a walki sleepg, I' lookg for a way to go back. I' too tired. I really want to y eyes and die forever. What I regret ost is that I didn't see her aga. Duan Qgqg, y childhood sweetheart, is also y favorite, and even y fiancee.

Over the years, y cultivation has not fallen behd. My faily unique skill, yaoyang Jue, has he seventh level. Whehe world, I was only four levels. After 25 years, I suddehrough the sevehk I have enough. However, exy yaoyaher skills and artial arts have not bee all, Although I practice every day, there is still no half pot growth. Maybe the spirit of the earth is th!

Suddenly, a snow fox passed front of , and I suddenly revered.

"I jt... Was it an ilsion?" I thought.

"No, no, this is not an ilsion. This pce is absotely real. That snow fox also has body teperature and anial vital signs. Even if y ess is cheated, y eyesight will his is y natural tale pupil see all hidden thgs. Siir to the bation of huan forosd detector. "

